all postcodes in CF72 / PONTYCLUN

find any address or company within the CF72 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF72 8NQ 10 1 51.519939 -3.342498
CF72 8NR 3 0 51.520321 -3.342884
CF72 8NS 19 2 51.520363 -3.341545
CF72 8NT 3 0 51.519719 -3.34046
CF72 8NU 30 0 51.514263 -3.338855
CF72 8NW 10 0 51.519422 -3.341316
CF72 8NX 15 0 51.535892 -3.341768
CF72 8NY 4 0 51.536029 -3.341415
CF72 8NZ 7 0 51.537178 -3.360449
CF72 8PA 32 0 51.521394 -3.347341
CF72 8PB 24 0 51.521544 -3.344419
CF72 8PD 3 0 51.519505 -3.375261
CF72 8PE 15 0 51.517938 -3.372461
CF72 8PF 10 0 51.538388 -3.361426
CF72 8PG 11 5 51.521242 -3.37135
CF72 8PH 18 0 51.520425 -3.372738
CF72 8PJ 4 1 51.525267 -3.363917
CF72 8PL 1 0 51.529279 -3.360693
CF72 8PN 22 9 51.526433 -3.366504
CF72 8PP 3 0 51.52532 -3.367811