all postcodes in CF83 / CAERPHILLY

find any address or company within the CF83 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF83 1PJ 0 51.575971 -3.214241
CF83 1PL 0 51.575128 -3.210582
CF83 1PN 0 51.575938 -3.209666
CF83 1PP 0 51.57563 -3.213323
CF83 1PQ 0 51.576343 -3.213082
CF83 1PR 0 51.575715 -3.210324
CF83 1PS 0 51.574602 -3.20927
CF83 1PT 0 51.576379 -3.209605
CF83 1PU 0 51.576657 -3.208805
CF83 1PW 0 51.576374 -3.207426
CF83 1PX 0 51.576175 -3.21543
CF83 1QH 1 51.580213 -3.203141
CF83 1QJ 0 51.579221 -3.21046
CF83 1QL 0 51.579522 -3.21005
CF83 1QN 1 51.579041 -3.209517
CF83 1QP 0 51.579945 -3.209137
CF83 1QQ 0 51.579724 -3.208684
CF83 1QR 0 51.578921 -3.208158
CF83 1QS 0 51.579653 -3.207758
CF83 1QT 0 51.579684 -3.207341