all postcodes in CH2 / CHESTER

find any address or company within the CH2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH2 3LH 16 0 53.204214 -2.860314
CH2 3LJ 42 0 53.202352 -2.860606
CH2 3LL 27 0 53.202454 -2.860084
CH2 3LN 2 0 53.203972 -2.859951
CH2 3LP 23 0 53.205546 -2.858844
CH2 3LQ 36 0 53.202891 -2.85936
CH2 3LR 18 0 53.205725 -2.860195
CH2 3LS 30 1 53.204557 -2.857671
CH2 3LT 24 0 53.205457 -2.86251
CH2 3LU 12 0 53.206109 -2.86179
CH2 3LW 2 0 53.203785 -2.859633
CH2 3LX 12 0 53.205688 -2.861706
CH2 3LY 12 0 53.205199 -2.860873
CH2 3LZ 7 0 53.192751 -2.874154
CH2 3NB 1 1 53.201464 -2.871412
CH2 3ND 1 1 53.201684 -2.870848
CH2 3NF 1 1 53.1996 -2.878036
CH2 3NJ 45 7 53.200583 -2.875152
CH2 3NH 68 15 53.199344 -2.878495
CH2 3NL 33 2 53.201924 -2.87238