all postcodes in CH2 / CHESTER

find any address or company within the CH2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH2 3RX 10 0 53.208989 -2.863899
CH2 3RY 14 0 53.208443 -2.864771
CH2 3SA 12 0 53.207363 -2.862459
CH2 3SL 8 0 53.203093 -2.869933
CH2 3TA 12 0 53.198418 -2.869943
CH2 3TB 17 0 53.196856 -2.869762
CH2 3DH 50 0 53.193599 -2.874667
CH2 3DG 76 0 53.193386 -2.875918
CH2 3FE 0 53.198317 -2.880061
CH2 3PZ 0 53.203676 -2.866397
CH2 3QX 0 53.199089 -2.882651
CH2 3FF 16 0 53.193194 -2.875046
CH2 3QY 0 53.202882 -2.870543
CH2 3JN 7 0 53.200394 -2.872723
CH2 4AB 1 1 53.22528 -2.895113
CH2 4AD 14 0 53.223929 -2.895445
CH2 4AE 31 0 53.22341 -2.895239
CH2 4AF 8 3 53.22312 -2.897854
CH2 4AG 29 0 53.223855 -2.896941
CH2 4AH 15 0 53.222339 -2.900115