all postcodes in CH3 / CHESTER

find any address or company within the CH3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH3 6PR 3 0 53.084915 -2.881687
CH3 6PS 6 0 53.083132 -2.876037
CH3 6PT 32 11 53.084857 -2.876161
CH3 6PU 22 6 53.085053 -2.878763
CH3 6PW 18 0 53.085019 -2.873656
CH3 6PX 8 0 53.085024 -2.876628
CH3 6PY 3 0 53.084254 -2.875029
CH3 6PZ 4 0 53.085345 -2.877037
CH3 6QB 3 0 53.084888 -2.879163
CH3 6QD 27 1 53.083953 -2.877994
CH3 6QE 3 0 53.084723 -2.878443
CH3 6QF 6 0 53.083851 -2.878485
CH3 6QG 1 0 53.084768 -2.879623
CH3 6QH 1 0 53.084943 -2.880329
CH3 6QJ 29 0 53.086072 -2.882039
CH3 6QL 17 0 53.086168 -2.88122
CH3 6QN 28 0 53.085942 -2.880095
CH3 6QP 41 4 53.08828 -2.87759
CH3 6QR 3 0 53.086152 -2.877233
CH3 6QS 2 0 53.085612 -2.878282