all postcodes in CH3 / CHESTER

find any address or company within the CH3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH3 9DR 2 53.12852 -2.807121
CH3 9DS 1 53.123903 -2.806348
CH3 9DT 1 53.114125 -2.796961
CH3 9DU 3 53.100507 -2.776561
CH3 9DW 0 53.123526 -2.806624
CH3 9DX 0 53.130037 -2.812426
CH3 9DY 0 53.121681 -2.805588
CH3 9DZ 0 53.114663 -2.79721
CH3 9EA 0 53.113446 -2.795021
CH3 9EB 0 53.129218 -2.807344
CH3 9ED 0 53.099471 -2.80928
CH3 9EE 1 53.123405 -2.809834
CH3 9EG 0 53.122542 -2.816095
CH3 9EH 1 53.104258 -2.8058
CH3 9EL 0 53.095511 -2.804308
CH3 9EN 0 53.090181 -2.820275
CH3 9LR 0 53.092777 -2.817666
CH3 9EP 0 53.083418 -2.80235
CH3 9EQ 0 53.112675 -2.795679
CH3 9ER 1 53.084335 -2.799247