all postcodes in CH3 / CHESTER

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Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH3 5UZ 16 0 53.190681 -2.869339
CH3 5XA 31 0 53.181119 -2.868097
CH3 5XB 24 0 53.186042 -2.867254
CH3 5XD 21 0 53.185918 -2.86574
CH3 5XE 9 0 53.186543 -2.866366
CH3 5XF 12 2 53.184328 -2.864391
CH3 5XG 24 0 53.180307 -2.860973
CH3 5XH 60 0 53.180471 -2.864463
CH3 5XJ 7 0 53.181245 -2.86183
CH3 5XL 4 0 53.181297 -2.863417
CH3 5XN 7 0 53.180729 -2.866054
CH3 5XP 7 0 53.183982 -2.86371
CH3 5XQ 38 0 53.179976 -2.862089
CH3 5XR 19 0 53.184395 -2.857523
CH3 5XS 49 0 53.184222 -2.856607
CH3 5XT 11 0 53.18402 -2.858444
CH3 5XW 6 0 53.184755 -2.865043
CH3 5XY 16 0 53.183119 -2.863783
CH3 5XZ 3 0 53.183178 -2.863051
CH3 5YB 34 0 53.181003 -2.858024