all postcodes in CH3 / CHESTER

find any address or company within the CH3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH3 5LN 27 1 53.195189 -2.851587
CH3 5LP 36 1 53.197177 -2.851416
CH3 5LQ 39 0 53.195217 -2.853982
CH3 5LR 23 0 53.196855 -2.851245
CH3 5LS 49 0 53.195662 -2.850877
CH3 5LT 28 0 53.195915 -2.850658
CH3 5LU 14 0 53.197843 -2.850082
CH3 5LW 32 0 53.194543 -2.850242
CH3 5LX 15 0 53.195932 -2.849491
CH3 5LY 37 0 53.197014 -2.85032
CH3 5LZ 29 0 53.196496 -2.849861
CH3 5NA 3 3 53.193327 -2.863045
CH3 5NB 1 1 53.192882 -2.857378
CH3 5NE 41 1 53.191951 -2.856851
CH3 5NF 12 0 53.193052 -2.861273
CH3 5NG 4 0 53.193584 -2.860985
CH3 5NJ 21 1 53.193793 -2.854478
CH3 5NL 48 8 53.193083 -2.856933
CH3 5NN 6 0 53.194151 -2.85221
CH3 5NP 5 0 53.193796 -2.851604