all postcodes in CH41 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH41 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH41 6JE 3 2 53.392267 -3.023968
CH41 6JN 5 5 53.393401 -3.01843
CH41 6LA 1 1 53.391544 -3.021168
CH41 6LE 22 0 53.39517 -3.019842
CH41 6LF 2 0 53.395328 -3.019123
CH41 6LH 4 0 53.39495 -3.020258
CH41 6LL 2 2 53.394469 -3.01975
CH41 6LP 9 0 53.394367 -3.020199
CH41 6LT 3 3 53.391966 -3.019103
CH41 6LW 3 3 53.393915 -3.018247
CH41 6LZ 6 3 53.391469 -3.019543
CH41 6ND 4 3 53.394646 -3.017964
CH41 6NU 1 1 53.393518 -3.019637
CH41 6NX 1 1 53.391527 -3.021183
CH41 6NZ 1 1 53.389674 -3.027484
CH41 6PN 1 1 53.39336 -3.019046
CH41 6RR 1 1 53.390691 -3.020066
CH41 6PX 1 0 53.397057 -3.01145
CH41 6RN 1 1 53.393204 -3.024802
CH41 6RT 1 1 53.39133 -3.023027