all postcodes in CH41 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH41 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH41 8BG 2 2 53.399238 -3.039055
CH41 8BL 8 3 53.399823 -3.037911
CH41 8BN 12 5 53.396766 -3.03904
CH41 8BP 1 0 53.399598 -3.039004
CH41 8BQ 1 1 53.399693 -3.039396
CH41 8BR 15 0 53.398232 -3.037888
CH41 8BS 3 2 53.398895 -3.038038
CH41 8BT 12 8 53.396907 -3.039404
CH41 8BU 4 0 53.397925 -3.044211
CH41 8BW 1 0 53.399581 -3.036807
CH41 8BX 25 0 53.398537 -3.044152
CH41 8BY 10 0 53.399001 -3.044569
CH41 8BZ 12 0 53.39898 -3.046975
CH41 8DA 45 2 53.399219 -3.046364
CH41 8DB 16 2 53.398246 -3.04649
CH41 8DE 31 1 53.39839 -3.049653
CH41 8DF 33 5 53.398395 -3.050164
CH41 8DG 18 0 53.40054 -3.046367
CH41 8DH 30 2 53.398526 -3.046483
CH41 8DJ 16 0 53.398815 -3.046249