all postcodes in CH41 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH41 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH41 0DB 0 53.396029 -3.054392
CH41 0DD 4 53.396809 -3.051629
CH41 0DE 5 53.394731 -3.056901
CH41 0DF 19 53.395247 -3.056418
CH41 0DG 0 53.39702 -3.06329
CH41 0DH 2 53.394647 -3.059275
CH41 0DJ 0 53.395489 -3.057492
CH41 0DL 1 53.397721 -3.0623
CH41 0DN 0 53.396026 -3.058828
CH41 0DP 0 53.395126 -3.059949
CH41 0DQ 1 53.395432 -3.06179
CH41 0DR 0 53.397532 -3.061272
CH41 0DS 0 53.39809 -3.060158
CH41 0DT 0 53.397235 -3.058287
CH41 0DU 1 53.397104 -3.060961
CH41 0DW 0 53.395769 -3.058431
CH41 0DX 0 53.397636 -3.060627
CH41 0DY 0 53.395964 -3.059684
CH41 0DZ 0 53.39603 -3.059325
CH41 0EA 0 53.397631 -3.059304