all postcodes in CH42 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH42 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH42 2BZ 15 0 53.370108 -3.010375
CH42 2DA 24 1 53.368738 -3.009787
CH42 2DB 10 0 53.370453 -3.011075
CH42 2DD 20 0 53.370264 -3.011085
CH42 2DE 46 0 53.368507 -3.01154
CH42 2DF 27 1 53.368693 -3.01186
CH42 2DG 35 0 53.368125 -3.01105
CH42 2DH 20 0 53.369772 -3.010773
CH42 2DJ 20 0 53.369583 -3.010754
CH42 2DL 21 0 53.369882 -3.011542
CH42 2DN 44 0 53.367864 -3.011044
CH42 2DP 23 0 53.367611 -3.013352
CH42 2DQ 29 0 53.368284 -3.011339
CH42 2DR 33 0 53.367894 -3.013885
CH42 2DS 8 0 53.367391 -3.012731
CH42 2DT 17 0 53.370698 -3.014988
CH42 2DU 39 0 53.367676 -3.014165
CH42 2DW 28 0 53.367492 -3.011456
CH42 2DX 12 0 53.368836 -3.015155
CH42 2DY 34 0 53.369886 -3.013271