all postcodes in CH42 / BIRKENHEAD

find any address or company within the CH42 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH42 8NY 20 0 53.369457 -3.033956
CH42 8NZ 39 0 53.368736 -3.034119
CH42 8PA 33 0 53.369007 -3.033931
CH42 8PB 4 0 53.364129 -3.037795
CH42 8PD 16 0 53.372722 -3.043986
CH42 8PE 28 8 53.373564 -3.045208
CH42 8PF 21 5 53.373334 -3.046871
CH42 8PG 41 11 53.373374 -3.049563
CH42 8PH 18 0 53.37269 -3.044541
CH42 8PJ 8 0 53.371933 -3.042749
CH42 8PL 12 0 53.370739 -3.042449
CH42 8PN 11 0 53.371552 -3.04519
CH42 8PP 15 0 53.370582 -3.043077
CH42 8PQ 20 13 53.373888 -3.045171
CH42 8PR 16 0 53.372483 -3.045694
CH42 8PS 17 0 53.372622 -3.045201
CH42 8PT 14 0 53.372351 -3.046397
CH42 8PU 18 0 53.3723 -3.047072
CH42 8PW 12 0 53.371467 -3.043625
CH42 8PX 20 0 53.37197 -3.048762