all postcodes in CH43 / PRENTON

find any address or company within the CH43 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH43 5TB 35 0 53.380346 -3.042835
CH43 5TD 8 0 53.38184 -3.042479
CH43 5TE 3 0 53.380138 -3.043957
CH43 5TF 4 0 53.380105 -3.043655
CH43 5TG 53 3 53.381904 -3.041504
CH43 5TH 20 0 53.381177 -3.042404
CH43 5TL 4 2 53.378338 -3.045296
CH43 5TN 9 0 53.377298 -3.043978
CH43 5TQ 16 2 53.381667 -3.041678
CH43 5TR 13 0 53.375794 -3.044226
CH43 5TS 1 0 53.378091 -3.048898
CH43 5TT 3 0 53.378192 -3.04654
CH43 5TU 15 0 53.378301 -3.044378
CH43 5TW 13 0 53.375115 -3.042797
CH43 5TX 5 0 53.378127 -3.043727
CH43 5TY 14 0 53.378453 -3.047509
CH43 5TZ 9 0 53.377554 -3.047532
CH43 5UA 25 0 53.377622 -3.041791
CH43 5UB 18 0 53.376292 -3.043818
CH43 5UD 3 0 53.376897 -3.043592