all postcodes in CH43 / PRENTON

find any address or company within the CH43 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH43 7NZ 8 0 53.400382 -3.063253
CH43 7PA 37 0 53.393624 -3.065085
CH43 7PB 8 0 53.392825 -3.063997
CH43 7PD 3 1 53.397518 -3.066882
CH43 7PE 1 0 53.394002 -3.064072
CH43 7PF 17 0 53.394895 -3.064711
CH43 7PG 18 0 53.399296 -3.068159
CH43 7PH 21 0 53.402044 -3.070424
CH43 7PJ 3 1 53.392611 -3.062744
CH43 7PL 17 0 53.389741 -3.068071
CH43 7PN 10 0 53.391568 -3.066747
CH43 7PP 8 0 53.393015 -3.076875
CH43 7PQ 12 0 53.40022 -3.069281
CH43 7PR 18 1 53.392379 -3.066541
CH43 7PS 8 0 53.390417 -3.072854
CH43 7PT 10 1 53.392314 -3.074857
CH43 7PU 9 0 53.389251 -3.072614
CH43 7PW 12 1 53.389858 -3.071066
CH43 7PX 5 0 53.3907 -3.069418
CH43 7PY 1 0 53.395822 -3.074554