all postcodes in CH44 / WALLASEY

find any address or company within the CH44 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH44 2BJ 36 0 53.418809 -3.057288
CH44 2BL 14 0 53.419054 -3.057941
CH44 2BN 21 0 53.420436 -3.059224
CH44 2BP 22 0 53.419135 -3.059026
CH44 2BQ 23 0 53.417561 -3.057076
CH44 2BR 31 0 53.421794 -3.058129
CH44 2BS 21 0 53.421531 -3.056377
CH44 2BT 31 0 53.421509 -3.057927
CH44 2BU 30 0 53.420686 -3.057455
CH44 2BW 4 1 53.421524 -3.059266
CH44 2BX 23 0 53.423123 -3.066409
CH44 2BY 5 1 53.422953 -3.065321
CH44 2BZ 5 0 53.421278 -3.065686
CH44 2DA 35 0 53.422421 -3.065459
CH44 2DB 11 0 53.421468 -3.064547
CH44 2DD 31 0 53.421355 -3.065054
CH44 2DE 22 0 53.421094 -3.064101
CH44 2DF 17 0 53.420196 -3.065072
CH44 2DG 24 0 53.420849 -3.06238
CH44 2DH 31 1 53.42147 -3.062275