all postcodes in CH44 / WALLASEY

find any address or company within the CH44 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH44 1DS 24 0 53.421442 -3.033683
CH44 1DT 39 0 53.421709 -3.034035
CH44 1DU 26 0 53.42244 -3.035738
CH44 1DW 12 0 53.421462 -3.036603
CH44 1DY 16 0 53.422528 -3.034898
CH44 1EA 18 0 53.42241 -3.032006
CH44 1EB 5 0 53.422923 -3.031898
CH44 1ED 30 1 53.42282 -3.031232
CH44 1EE 20 0 53.422098 -3.032645
CH44 1EF 17 0 53.422968 -3.033915
CH44 1EH 16 0 53.422995 -3.032863
CH44 1EJ 16 0 53.422632 -3.032297
CH44 1EL 10 0 53.42267 -3.034074
CH44 1EQ 21 1 53.422814 -3.033099
CH44 2AA 20 11 53.419441 -3.049748
CH44 2AB 25 0 53.419289 -3.052816
CH44 2AD 26 0 53.419359 -3.056939
CH44 2AE 29 19 53.419695 -3.0495
CH44 2AF 36 11 53.419581 -3.052251
CH44 2AG 25 8 53.419574 -3.056088