all postcodes in CH45 / WALLASEY

find any address or company within the CH45 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH45 2NP 45 0 53.438819 -3.045922
CH45 2NQ 47 0 53.438535 -3.052674
CH45 2NR 18 0 53.438558 -3.045012
CH45 2NS 22 1 53.437992 -3.045902
CH45 2NT 9 0 53.438274 -3.045547
CH45 2NU 12 0 53.438208 -3.046976
CH45 2NW 32 0 53.43816 -3.055495
CH45 2NX 16 0 53.438139 -3.046583
CH45 2NY 52 6 53.4379 -3.048278
CH45 2NZ 20 0 53.438641 -3.045797
CH45 2PA 2 0 53.438447 -3.0513
CH45 2PE 40 0 53.43717 -3.041168
CH45 2PG 50 0 53.437878 -3.050686
CH45 2PH 81 3 53.438747 -3.038724
CH45 2PN 7 0 53.439395 -3.043814
CH45 2PP 20 0 53.438586 -3.036628
CH45 2PW 7 0 53.439382 -3.044265
CH45 2PX 8 0 53.436733 -3.042935
CH45 2JY 30 0 53.439059 -3.036986
CH45 2AB 12 0 53.438313 -3.048303