all postcodes in CH45 / WALLASEY

find any address or company within the CH45 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH45 4LR 39 0 53.423299 -3.045511
CH45 4LS 38 0 53.423129 -3.044393
CH45 4LT 10 0 53.42389 -3.044713
CH45 4LU 27 0 53.422882 -3.045847
CH45 4LW 27 0 53.424602 -3.046521
CH45 4LX 23 0 53.423015 -3.045037
CH45 4LY 6 0 53.422618 -3.045238
CH45 4LZ 9 0 53.422328 -3.044464
CH45 4NB 24 0 53.418997 -3.047106
CH45 4ND 29 0 53.419867 -3.048346
CH45 4NE 12 12 53.42002 -3.046258
CH45 4NL 7 7 53.419817 -3.045877
CH45 4NN 12 7 53.419343 -3.047611
CH45 4NS 1 1 53.419493 -3.046997
CH45 4NW 9 7 53.419724 -3.047289
CH45 4NZ 37 1 53.425396 -3.049172
CH45 4PA 23 0 53.42626 -3.050204
CH45 4PB 19 1 53.427121 -3.051489
CH45 4PD 35 9 53.428108 -3.05255
CH45 4PE 22 2 53.424411 -3.047704