all postcodes in CH45 / WALLASEY

find any address or company within the CH45 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH45 7NE 1 53.423397 -3.039388
CH45 7NF 1 53.424581 -3.040802
CH45 7NG 0 53.426178 -3.041082
CH45 7NH 0 53.426104 -3.038251
CH45 7NJ 0 53.425869 -3.039327
CH45 7NL 0 53.42571 -3.039099
CH45 7NN 0 53.424756 -3.040219
CH45 7NP 0 53.425321 -3.041407
CH45 7NQ 1 53.422859 -3.038187
CH45 7NR 0 53.426191 -3.039547
CH45 7NS 0 53.425975 -3.039587
CH45 7NT 0 53.42637 -3.039657
CH45 7NU 0 53.426728 -3.039876
CH45 7NW 0 53.425697 -3.040588
CH45 7NX 0 53.427049 -3.0402
CH45 7NY 0 53.427529 -3.040784
CH45 7NZ 0 53.427388 -3.040479
CH45 7PA 2 53.424323 -3.033226
CH45 7PB 1 53.425391 -3.034426
CH45 7PD 2 53.426924 -3.035908