all postcodes in CH48 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH48 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH48 7HA 19 0 53.371104 -3.176409
CH48 7HB 8 0 53.370865 -3.175065
CH48 7HD 4 0 53.370638 -3.175329
CH48 7HE 6 1 53.368169 -3.173202
CH48 7HF 3 0 53.369711 -3.169923
CH48 7HG 8 0 53.367038 -3.168407
CH48 7HH 10 0 53.370515 -3.175897
CH48 7HJ 18 0 53.369982 -3.175281
CH48 7HL 1 0 53.368543 -3.174505
CH48 7HN 20 0 53.369194 -3.171322
CH48 7HP 10 0 53.369353 -3.170755
CH48 7HQ 5 0 53.366805 -3.169302
CH48 7HR 23 0 53.367369 -3.171255
CH48 7HW 9 0 53.369793 -3.171714
CH48 7HY 1 1 53.390158 -3.179431
CH48 7JA 8 0 53.367802 -3.170246
CH48 7WA 1 1 53.390158 -3.179431