all postcodes in CH49 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH49 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH49 2PD 4 0 53.381075 -3.110535
CH49 2PE 8 0 53.379587 -3.117727
CH49 2PF 15 4 53.380052 -3.115888
CH49 2PG 30 10 53.380828 -3.113881
CH49 2PH 16 0 53.379494 -3.114207
CH49 2PJ 29 0 53.380453 -3.117374
CH49 2PL 16 0 53.380643 -3.116296
CH49 2PN 18 2 53.379526 -3.115591
CH49 2PP 23 2 53.382097 -3.108832
CH49 2PQ 29 0 53.382487 -3.110391
CH49 2PR 20 0 53.381199 -3.116491
CH49 2PS 30 0 53.380294 -3.119084
CH49 2PT 31 0 53.381002 -3.115479
CH49 2PU 29 0 53.382878 -3.115769
CH49 2PW 31 0 53.381013 -3.112292
CH49 2PX 31 0 53.38477 -3.116209
CH49 2PY 20 0 53.382982 -3.115215
CH49 2PZ 36 0 53.383061 -3.11445
CH49 2QA 20 0 53.380324 -3.110064
CH49 2QB 12 0 53.380065 -3.107953