all postcodes in CH49 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH49 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH49 7NA 41 0 53.371937 -3.087631
CH49 7NB 2 0 53.37254 -3.088306
CH49 7ND 42 0 53.372716 -3.078031
CH49 7NE 26 0 53.374021 -3.07889
CH49 7NF 29 0 53.375594 -3.080824
CH49 7NG 29 1 53.374717 -3.077465
CH49 7NH 29 0 53.374312 -3.078462
CH49 7NJ 10 0 53.373739 -3.079289
CH49 7NL 10 0 53.374641 -3.077944
CH49 7NN 22 0 53.375292 -3.078487
CH49 7NP 44 0 53.373827 -3.083425
CH49 7NQ 14 0 53.376474 -3.078998
CH49 7NR 30 0 53.375969 -3.07921
CH49 7NS 28 0 53.37453 -3.081218
CH49 7NT 24 0 53.376229 -3.080224
CH49 7NU 24 0 53.37669 -3.080957
CH49 7NW 12 0 53.3744 -3.080704
CH49 7NX 5 1 53.375297 -3.082891
CH49 7NZ 20 0 53.374647 -3.085144
CH49 7PA 26 0 53.37439 -3.084747