all postcodes in CH49 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH49 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH49 8HH 6 0 53.377359 -3.094308
CH49 8HJ 5 0 53.375923 -3.095098
CH49 8HL 36 0 53.376105 -3.094847
CH49 8HN 16 0 53.375147 -3.092448
CH49 8HP 26 0 53.375711 -3.091755
CH49 8HQ 16 0 53.378577 -3.094805
CH49 8HR 22 0 53.376307 -3.092417
CH49 8HS 17 0 53.375025 -3.089092
CH49 8HT 24 0 53.375451 -3.088667
CH49 8HU 27 0 53.374984 -3.091632
CH49 8HW 35 0 53.374891 -3.092907
CH49 8HX 20 0 53.374736 -3.088243
CH49 8HY 14 0 53.374647 -3.089098
CH49 8HZ 6 0 53.374663 -3.091293
CH49 8JA 23 0 53.37416 -3.087342
CH49 8JB 5 0 53.37483 -3.086681
CH49 8JD 18 0 53.374908 -3.090111
CH49 8JE 28 0 53.375904 -3.090257
CH49 8JF 19 0 53.37703 -3.090977
CH49 8JG 18 0 53.378799 -3.091173