all postcodes in CH5 / DEESIDE

find any address or company within the CH5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH5 1BD 8 0 53.20897 -3.040539
CH5 1BE 5 0 53.208662 -3.040771
CH5 1BG 5 0 53.207992 -3.041399
CH5 1BH 6 0 53.207536 -3.042166
CH5 1BL 22 0 53.201997 -3.04543
CH5 1BN 9 0 53.202633 -3.045596
CH5 1BQ 9 0 53.208161 -3.042601
CH5 1BX 37 19 53.212072 -3.039491
CH5 1BY 54 22 53.213107 -3.041313
CH5 1BZ 61 17 53.213687 -3.04293
CH5 1DE 1 1 53.212581 -3.040641
CH5 1DF 1 1 53.212204 -3.039809
CH5 1DH 29 2 53.212809 -3.037353
CH5 1DJ 30 0 53.212248 -3.037518
CH5 1DL 38 1 53.21322 -3.03871
CH5 1DN 32 0 53.21349 -3.039705
CH5 1DP 34 0 53.213777 -3.040761
CH5 1DQ 11 2 53.212819 -3.036275
CH5 1DR 30 1 53.213709 -3.04031
CH5 1DT 37 1 53.213762 -3.041539