all postcodes in CH6 / HOLYWELL

find any address or company within the CH6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH6 5NF 42 1 53.244435 -3.135811
CH6 5NG 67 1 53.248071 -3.135308
CH6 5NH 10 0 53.243924 -3.136547
CH6 5NN 16 8 53.249643 -3.133325
CH6 5NP 31 0 53.240945 -3.118935
CH6 5NR 17 11 53.248973 -3.133113
CH6 5NS 2 0 53.250531 -3.134563
CH6 5NT 10 1 53.251154 -3.133501
CH6 5NU 20 0 53.251268 -3.132784
CH6 5NW 17 6 53.24978 -3.1333
CH6 5FB 3 3 53.249683 -3.132922
CH6 5NX 38 0 53.25075 -3.132426
CH6 5NY 13 0 53.24587 -3.137108
CH6 5NZ 1 0 53.230909 -3.126913
CH6 5PA 15 0 53.238775 -3.129772
CH6 5PB 7 0 53.238923 -3.129357
CH6 5PD 18 0 53.251334 -3.132546
CH6 5PE 5 0 53.250611 -3.131043
CH6 5PF 11 1 53.250369 -3.131861
CH6 5PG 10 0 53.250097 -3.132154