all postcodes in CH60 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH60 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH60 1XA 11 0 53.325199 -3.081081
CH60 1XB 6 0 53.324675 -3.079432
CH60 1XD 21 0 53.325021 -3.077894
CH60 1XE 18 0 53.327369 -3.077743
CH60 1XF 20 6 53.329759 -3.074664
CH60 1XG 40 1 53.32574 -3.078918
CH60 1XH 17 0 53.324356 -3.077922
CH60 1XJ 14 0 53.326314 -3.081064
CH60 1XL 6 0 53.324849 -3.075067
CH60 1XN 34 0 53.325721 -3.074053
CH60 1XP 16 0 53.325919 -3.075094
CH60 1XQ 10 0 53.329442 -3.074116
CH60 1XR 13 0 53.323997 -3.075796
CH60 1XS 11 0 53.325034 -3.075522
CH60 1XT 9 0 53.325778 -3.075766
CH60 1XU 10 0 53.328879 -3.076745
CH60 1XW 10 2 53.323772 -3.07663
CH60 1XX 4 1 53.327191 -3.070576
CH60 1XY 16 0 53.324552 -3.075149
CH60 1XZ 12 0 53.322974 -3.076656