all postcodes in CH63 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH63 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH63 2LA 0 53.352544 -3.028259
CH63 2LB 0 53.350667 -3.026982
CH63 2LD 0 53.35093 -3.028731
CH63 2LE 0 53.351185 -3.023178
CH63 2LF 0 53.350297 -3.026146
CH63 2LG 0 53.350575 -3.026108
CH63 2LH 0 53.351879 -3.018808
CH63 2LN 0 53.352955 -3.028539
CH63 2LP 0 53.353312 -3.027706
CH63 2LQ 0 53.351034 -3.023805
CH63 2LR 1 53.350093 -3.023678
CH63 2LS 0 53.34914 -3.024706
CH63 2LT 0 53.347453 -3.024426
CH63 2LU 0 53.346093 -3.021554
CH63 2LW 1 53.352457 -3.028933
CH63 2LX 0 53.350258 -3.024328
CH63 2LY 2 53.348683 -3.027685
CH63 2LZ 1 53.349506 -3.027119
CH63 2NA 0 53.350084 -3.025751
CH63 2NB 0 53.349946 -3.027145