all postcodes in CH64 / NESTON

find any address or company within the CH64 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH64 2UA 11 0 53.290818 -3.004737
CH64 2UB 9 0 53.290714 -3.00541
CH64 2UD 3 0 53.289348 -2.998897
CH64 2UE 14 0 53.289237 -3.003515
CH64 2UF 32 0 53.288957 -3.003674
CH64 2UG 18 1 53.290751 -3.006296
CH64 2UH 17 0 53.289861 -3.00743
CH64 2UJ 22 0 53.289507 -3.004602
CH64 2UL 7 0 53.28933 -3.006458
CH64 2UN 9 1 53.283948 -3.008266
CH64 2UP 3 0 53.288045 -3.002047
CH64 2UQ 6 2 53.288828 -3.005965
CH64 2UR 3 0 53.289032 -3.006526
CH64 2US 3 0 53.28136 -3.01131
CH64 2UT 11 0 53.292943 -3.007548
CH64 2UU 14 0 53.280925 -3.001041
CH64 2UW 8 0 53.289751 -3.006618
CH64 2UX 33 0 53.294968 -3.015742
CH64 2UY 5 0 53.29475 -3.015977
CH64 2UZ 14 0 53.293875 -3.015326