all postcodes in CH65 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH65 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH65 6QA 24 0 53.264782 -2.902955
CH65 6QB 25 0 53.26314 -2.904989
CH65 6QD 24 0 53.263325 -2.905503
CH65 6QE 17 0 53.262326 -2.905617
CH65 6QF 9 1 53.262835 -2.9096
CH65 6QG 6 0 53.262971 -2.908224
CH65 6QH 31 0 53.263552 -2.907562
CH65 6QL 1 1 53.276755 -2.904167
CH65 6QP 21 0 53.273439 -2.906422
CH65 6QQ 27 0 53.263322 -2.909371
CH65 6QR 22 0 53.27482 -2.904561
CH65 6QS 14 0 53.271375 -2.908342
CH65 6QT 5 0 53.272564 -2.907993
CH65 6QU 10 0 53.2722 -2.90869
CH65 6QW 9 0 53.271771 -2.908366
CH65 6QX 8 0 53.268802 -2.900296
CH65 6QY 2 2 53.272303 -2.904208
CH65 6QZ 16 0 53.270941 -2.906399
CH65 6RA 20 0 53.269223 -2.901729
CH65 6RB 4 0 53.271089 -2.906957