all postcodes in CH65 / ELLESMERE PORT

find any address or company within the CH65 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH65 7DB 25 0 53.274954 -2.914057
CH65 7DD 24 0 53.276788 -2.915221
CH65 7DE 31 0 53.275914 -2.914272
CH65 7DF 38 0 53.275833 -2.913116
CH65 7DG 35 0 53.275717 -2.911914
CH65 7DH 32 0 53.276507 -2.910851
CH65 7DJ 14 0 53.277468 -2.912116
CH65 7DL 17 0 53.277066 -2.915347
CH65 7DN 30 0 53.277691 -2.91467
CH65 7DP 37 0 53.278401 -2.914745
CH65 7DQ 30 0 53.276369 -2.911268
CH65 7DR 14 0 53.278149 -2.91597
CH65 7DS 29 0 53.276802 -2.919225
CH65 7DT 36 0 53.276611 -2.920646
CH65 7DU 36 0 53.276529 -2.921979
CH65 7DW 15 0 53.278638 -2.916625
CH65 7DX 29 0 53.277572 -2.920816
CH65 7DY 32 0 53.277171 -2.920403
CH65 7DZ 25 0 53.277852 -2.920627
CH65 7EA 21 0 53.278832 -2.918279