all postcodes in CR0 / CROYDON

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Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR0 2XP 30 9 51.385145 -0.100985
CR0 2XQ 10 6 51.386268 -0.098165
CR0 2XR 58 6 51.384769 -0.102783
CR0 2XS 3 2 51.386074 -0.099495
CR0 2XT 18 3 51.386562 -0.098527
CR0 2XU 65 6 51.384876 -0.09828
CR0 2XW 14 1 51.385781 -0.098099
CR0 2XX 25 12 51.384749 -0.099306
CR0 2XY 42 0 51.383867 -0.099831
CR0 2XZ 66 0 51.384465 -0.099576
CR0 2DU 14 0 51.378212 -0.096056
CR0 2GZ 16 0 51.38358 -0.099297
CR0 2JT 28 0 51.383156 -0.098711
CR0 2WY 1 1 51.378068 -0.113291
CR0 2SP 21 0 51.386945 -0.109448
CR0 2EZ 41 0 51.380978 -0.095237
CR0 2YA 8 0 51.388355 -0.098783
CR0 2ND 36 0 51.389627 -0.104034
CR0 2NJ 52 0 51.389824 -0.103411
CR0 2NL 63 0 51.389936 -0.102544