all postcodes in CR0 / CROYDON

find any address or company within the CR0 postcode district

Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR0 4BG 70 0 51.368402 -0.113344
CR0 4BH 59 3 51.369799 -0.109051
CR0 4BL 30 0 51.370215 -0.109192
CR0 4BN 14 0 51.369961 -0.111297
CR0 4BP 25 0 51.369239 -0.112275
CR0 4BQ 9 0 51.368818 -0.112393
CR0 4BR 13 0 51.369672 -0.111812
CR0 4BS 3 0 51.369345 -0.10878
CR0 4BT 72 0 51.36838 -0.106434
CR0 4BX 41 0 51.366896 -0.107516
CR0 4BY 42 0 51.368431 -0.109579
CR0 4BZ 22 0 51.360622 -0.11385
CR0 4DA 35 0 51.364282 -0.109333
CR0 4DB 14 0 51.364177 -0.108978
CR0 4DD 8 0 51.364249 -0.110656
CR0 4DE 15 0 51.362791 -0.109466
CR0 4DF 46 0 51.364644 -0.11561
CR0 4DG 10 0 51.362344 -0.109068
CR0 4DH 16 0 51.363411 -0.108895
CR0 4DJ 28 3 51.364202 -0.115545