all postcodes in CR0 / CROYDON

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Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR0 9BF 35 0 51.349071 -0.032642
CR0 9DA 25 0 51.352639 -0.024518
CR0 9DB 33 0 51.352653 -0.023225
CR0 9DD 41 0 51.352836 -0.022858
CR0 9DE 36 0 51.355029 -0.021744
CR0 9DF 48 0 51.35548 -0.021279
CR0 9DG 38 0 51.354095 -0.027127
CR0 9DH 35 0 51.353869 -0.021708
CR0 9DJ 44 0 51.353358 -0.025536
CR0 9DL 2 1 51.354681 -0.02719
CR0 9DN 28 0 51.35377 -0.0249
CR0 9DP 46 0 51.353991 -0.024661
CR0 9DQ 49 0 51.354077 -0.023394
CR0 9DR 46 0 51.354722 -0.023797
CR0 9DS 35 0 51.354887 -0.022382
CR0 9DT 38 0 51.355406 -0.024902
CR0 9DU 47 0 51.355936 -0.023759
CR0 9DW 39 0 51.356197 -0.022742
CR0 9DX 22 11 51.355788 -0.020851
CR0 9DY 66 0 51.354383 -0.020752