all postcodes in CR9 / CROYDON

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Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR9 3AF 1 1 51.371262 -0.09781
CR9 3AL 1 1 51.389065 -0.133407
CR9 3AS 1 1 51.391214 -0.13056
CR9 3AT 1 1 51.393635 -0.125099
CR9 3BQ 1 1 51.378068 -0.113291
CR9 3DU 1 1 51.380263 -0.10718
CR9 3EE 1 1 51.376698 -0.095832
CR9 3EY 1 1 51.379898 -0.102424
CR9 3JR 1 1 51.371262 -0.09781
CR9 3JS 1 1 51.371262 -0.09781
CR9 3JY 1 1 51.371262 -0.09781
CR9 3LQ 1 1 51.377988 -0.096109
CR9 3NE 1 1 51.372396 -0.093984
CR9 3NG 1 1 51.372396 -0.093984
CR9 3RA 1 1 51.376768 -0.109594
CR9 3RG 1 1 51.375108 -0.09482
CR9 3RN 1 1 51.371262 -0.09781
CR9 3RR 1 1 51.377161 -0.098341
CR9 3RT 1 1 51.37826 -0.102348
CR9 3RU 1 1 51.378068 -0.113291