all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 2DG 46 0 51.279446 1.074651
CT1 2DH 28 1 51.279961 1.076263
CT1 2DJ 60 0 51.279273 1.075385
CT1 2DL 12 0 51.279393 1.07393
CT1 2DR 35 11 51.28177 1.082567
CT1 2DS 1 1 51.279906 1.085194
CT1 2DU 18 0 51.281978 1.082321
CT1 2DY 27 11 51.280247 1.080973
CT1 2DZ 45 13 51.281344 1.081663
CT1 2EA 1 1 51.280621 1.081599
CT1 2EB 12 1 51.280957 1.08079
CT1 2ED 15 1 51.280548 1.080619
CT1 2EE 21 3 51.279766 1.081457
CT1 2EG 1 1 51.279762 1.081427
CT1 2EH 8 1 51.278813 1.083487
CT1 2EL 3 0 51.279018 1.084949
CT1 2EN 1 1 51.27977 1.084884
CT1 2EP 5 0 51.280412 1.083722
CT1 2ER 4 0 51.281149 1.084633
CT1 2ES 1 1 51.281163 1.084089