all postcodes in CT14 / DEAL

find any address or company within the CT14 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT14 6DT 12 0 51.227347 1.401786
CT14 6DU 19 1 51.22703 1.401232
CT14 6DW 2 0 51.227752 1.400225
CT14 6DX 4 0 51.227058 1.400604
CT14 6DY 13 1 51.227281 1.400033
CT14 6DZ 18 1 51.226627 1.400558
CT14 6EA 22 1 51.226301 1.401265
CT14 6EB 29 2 51.225701 1.400246
CT14 6ED 8 5 51.225095 1.402508
CT14 6EE 17 6 51.225572 1.40283
CT14 6ET 34 25 51.222972 1.401921
CT14 6EG 9 6 51.225238 1.402848
CT14 6EH 11 8 51.224484 1.402506
CT14 6EJ 7 0 51.224511 1.402164
CT14 6EL 12 12 51.223771 1.402568
CT14 6EP 1 1 51.22307 1.403175
CT14 6EQ 1 1 51.224933 1.40284
CT14 6ER 13 10 51.223033 1.403516
CT14 6ES 7 1 51.223039 1.403932
CT14 6EU 1 1 51.223171 1.40185