all postcodes in CT15 / DOVER

find any address or company within the CT15 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT15 4LF 2 0 51.221914 1.21898
CT15 4LG 1 0 51.225387 1.225611
CT15 4LH 10 1 51.226016 1.226271
CT15 4LJ 1 0 51.227624 1.228962
CT15 4LL 1 0 51.233798 1.228492
CT15 4LN 1 0 51.225897 1.233181
CT15 4LP 2 0 51.21886 1.223407
CT15 4LQ 2 0 51.226534 1.22499
CT15 4LS 13 0 51.218802 1.211242
CT15 4LX 25 0 51.198027 1.272103
CT15 4LY 4 0 51.199659 1.265203
CT15 4NA 8 0 51.200341 1.261414
CT15 4ND 12 11 51.20785 1.27499
CT15 4NH 12 0 51.223064 1.238039
CT15 4NJ 8 0 51.223634 1.236189
CT15 4NL 3 2 51.206033 1.272098
CT15 4NP 18 0 51.209403 1.260279
CT15 4NR 22 0 51.208772 1.260979
CT15 4NS 10 0 51.20815 1.262324
CT15 4WW 5 0 51.202687 1.266606