all postcodes in CT15 / DOVER

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CT15 6HB2051.1663691.375348
CT15 6HD3051.1670041.37392
CT15 6HE1051.1676881.374241
CT15 6HF1051.1683491.372515
CT15 6HG8051.1625281.366954
CT15 6HH12051.1621671.366987
CT15 6HJ34051.1613211.365423
CT15 6HL31151.161781.365099
CT15 6HN4151.1639391.358258
CT15 6HP5151.1405981.371906
CT15 6HQ3051.161891.36788
CT15 6HR6051.1430611.377577
CT15 6HS1051.1469761.383126
CT15 6HT4051.1422951.363307
CT15 6HU10051.1519931.369778
CT15 6HW2051.1699441.36432
CT15 6HX15051.1625451.365741
CT15 6HY1051.141811.353548
CT15 6JA20051.1501291.377664
CT15 6JD2051.1525971.38002