all postcodes in CT15 / DOVER

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CT15 7DB3051.1379761.221598
CT15 7DD5051.1374181.218356
CT15 7DE3051.1359691.223288
CT15 7DF23151.1347911.22129
CT15 7DG5051.1283141.217408
CT15 7DH2051.1262731.230634
CT15 7DJ2051.1290031.238287
CT15 7DL12551.1330471.252352
CT15 7DN11151.1383541.259789
CT15 7DP3051.1252161.243237
CT15 7DQ2051.1328351.269622
CT15 7DR8051.1430961.247536
CT15 7DS11251.1399011.237532
CT15 7DT3051.1412411.236499
CT15 7DU2051.1432491.229918
CT15 7DW1051.133231.254921
CT15 7DX2051.1399291.221479
CT15 7DY26051.1449361.231666
CT15 7DZ8051.1454871.237222
CT15 7EA12051.146791.229379