all postcodes in CT18 / FOLKESTONE

find any address or company within the CT18 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT18 8LH 4 0 51.139585 1.137349
CT18 8LJ 8 0 51.141966 1.141472
CT18 8LL 1 0 51.146432 1.147295
CT18 8LN 1 0 51.154625 1.14668
CT18 8LP 6 0 51.142859 1.156389
CT18 8LQ 4 0 51.138394 1.126073
CT18 8LR 17 0 51.130796 1.147403
CT18 8LS 25 0 51.130733 1.155263
CT18 8LT 24 0 51.131409 1.150361
CT18 8LW 8 0 51.151664 1.156606
CT18 8LX 31 0 51.127885 1.086582
CT18 8NA 1 0 51.140352 1.050369
CT18 8NB 4 1 51.111926 1.095506
CT18 8ND 11 0 51.13034 1.083558
CT18 8NH 15 0 51.113334 1.092271
CT18 8NL 10 0 51.127911 1.085254
CT18 8NQ 19 1 51.111682 1.094876
CT18 8NR 5 0 51.11539 1.094466
CT18 8NS 1 1 51.12428 1.091273
CT18 8NX 31 0 51.111863 1.09383