all postcodes in CT19 / FOLKESTONE

find any address or company within the CT19 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT19 4PS 21 0 51.08957 1.145173
CT19 4PT 17 1 51.088981 1.144305
CT19 4PU 1 1 51.087432 1.146056
CT19 4PW 37 0 51.089542 1.148214
CT19 4PX 18 1 51.088384 1.144107
CT19 4PY 35 0 51.088921 1.145886
CT19 4PZ 27 0 51.088891 1.147655
CT19 4QA 10 0 51.088062 1.14837
CT19 4QB 1 1 51.097987 1.155573
CT19 4QE 50 3 51.091865 1.135416
CT19 4QF 57 0 51.092128 1.135006
CT19 4QG 52 0 51.09169 1.134233
CT19 4QH 24 0 51.090843 1.133947
CT19 4QJ 3 3 51.090444 1.13051
CT19 4QL 60 0 51.093837 1.138992
CT19 4QP 19 0 51.093098 1.144756
CT19 4QQ 44 0 51.091337 1.133441
CT19 4QR 10 0 51.091192 1.136685
CT19 4QT 8 0 51.088889 1.128631
CT19 4QU 5 0 51.090986 1.147683