all postcodes in CT1 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT1 1EN 60 0 51.290157 1.107055
CT1 1EP 2 2 51.288584 1.105988
CT1 1EQ 17 0 51.288694 1.103886
CT1 1ER 39 0 51.289284 1.105016
CT1 1ES 27 0 51.289898 1.103566
CT1 1ET 23 0 51.290902 1.10339
CT1 1EU 23 0 51.291763 1.10144
CT1 1EW 28 0 51.289628 1.106962
CT1 1EX 50 0 51.292848 1.100409
CT1 1EY 42 0 51.292617 1.102316
CT1 1EZ 1 1 51.283841 1.086735
CT1 1FA 12 0 51.274707 1.099831
CT1 1FB 11 0 51.275204 1.099062
CT1 1FD 7 0 51.275535 1.099127
CT1 1FE 10 0 51.275688 1.099467
CT1 1FF 3 0 51.275836 1.099993
CT1 1FG 3 0 51.275017 1.100354
CT1 1FH 1 1 51.287023 1.091911
CT1 1FJ 40 0 51.28834 1.094009
CT1 1FL 4 0 51.275348 1.100061