all postcodes in CT2 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT2 0PH 25 0 51.308765 1.121975
CT2 0PJ 33 1 51.305927 1.125527
CT2 0PL 3 0 51.30566 1.124748
CT2 0PQ 3 3 51.297463 1.102556
CT2 0PR 4 2 51.298677 1.104575
CT2 0PS 2 0 51.302452 1.109278
CT2 0PT 1 0 51.304286 1.108455
CT2 0PY 39 0 51.304515 1.109834
CT2 0PZ 23 0 51.304801 1.10925
CT2 0QA 39 1 51.305517 1.110202
CT2 0QB 31 0 51.305291 1.109771
CT2 0QD 7 0 51.304728 1.107911
CT2 0QE 48 10 51.308431 1.107702
CT2 0QG 11 0 51.309686 1.109222
CT2 0QH 39 1 51.310336 1.108232
CT2 0QJ 12 1 51.312553 1.106402
CT2 0QL 4 0 51.311925 1.100088
CT2 0QN 2 0 51.326915 1.102277
CT2 0QP 9 0 51.311464 1.109644
CT2 0QR 9 0 51.311032 1.109988