all postcodes in CT20 / FOLKESTONE

find any address or company within the CT20 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT20 2RU 52 0 51.078219 1.170091
CT20 2RX 11 2 51.07881 1.175501
CT20 2RY 3 3 51.079856 1.168104
CT20 2SA 44 2 51.079181 1.173427
CT20 2SB 1 1 51.078451 1.174805
CT20 2SD 11 0 51.079009 1.172801
CT20 2SE 60 2 51.080423 1.173384
CT20 2SF 56 2 51.081437 1.171497
CT20 2SG 1 1 51.078567 1.168187
CT20 2SH 11 1 51.080967 1.171236
CT20 2SJ 38 2 51.080382 1.171596
CT20 2SL 43 1 51.080516 1.172108
CT20 2SN 36 0 51.079221 1.171945
CT20 2SS 19 2 51.078865 1.172149
CT20 2SW 7 0 51.079377 1.172841
CT20 2SX 2 2 51.078687 1.17224
CT20 2SY 1 0 51.078647 1.173191
CT20 2SZ 49 19 51.078186 1.172631
CT20 2TA 1 1 51.078057 1.172065
CT20 2TD 40 0 51.07738 1.171505