all postcodes in CT21 / HYTHE

find any address or company within the CT21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT21 6NX 9 0 51.060346 1.048814
CT21 6PE 13 13 51.067751 1.063833
CT21 6PG 1 1 51.063926 1.056029
CT21 6PH 24 3 51.065938 1.061272
CT21 6PJ 6 0 51.066603 1.060288
CT21 6PL 36 0 51.06668 1.062135
CT21 6PN 41 0 51.067379 1.06121
CT21 6PP 6 0 51.066371 1.057803
CT21 6PQ 12 0 51.066254 1.060908
CT21 6PR 7 0 51.065944 1.056919
CT21 6PS 18 0 51.065028 1.05723
CT21 6PT 8 0 51.065518 1.056363
CT21 6PU 2 0 51.064808 1.056121
CT21 6PW 33 0 51.066186 1.058691
CT21 6PX 7 0 51.064937 1.055539
CT21 6PY 16 0 51.064379 1.056916
CT21 6PZ 24 1 51.064931 1.058508
CT21 6QA 26 0 51.065955 1.059275
CT21 6QB 19 0 51.06433 1.058097
CT21 6QD 1 1 51.067735 1.068914