all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 2JE 17 0 51.281667 1.274204
CT3 2JF 30 0 51.28232 1.274982
CT3 2JG 28 0 51.281259 1.274964
CT3 2JH 18 0 51.282136 1.276661
CT3 2JJ 10 0 51.28174 1.276102
CT3 2JP 7 0 51.280745 1.272446
CT3 2JQ 5 0 51.282588 1.276592
CT3 2JR 2 0 51.28312 1.25688
CT3 2JS 1 0 51.282901 1.251242
CT3 2JT 4 0 51.283901 1.245059
CT3 2JX 7 0 51.286112 1.244469
CT3 2JU 4 1 51.284813 1.246845
CT3 2JY 2 0 51.286271 1.250964
CT3 2LA 4 0 51.288719 1.251309
CT3 2LB 5 0 51.291327 1.253272
CT3 2LD 3 1 51.290581 1.25715
CT3 2LE 3 0 51.287217 1.257113
CT3 2LF 6 0 51.292297 1.260112
CT3 2LG 8 0 51.293145 1.253889
CT3 2LH 1 0 51.298528 1.253337