all postcodes in CT6 / HERNE BAY

find any address or company within the CT6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT6 5DX 8 4 51.371896 1.131343
CT6 5DY 10 0 51.371759 1.131563
CT6 5EA 9 5 51.371645 1.130794
CT6 5EB 26 12 51.371845 1.129572
CT6 5EE 1 1 51.371779 1.130501
CT6 5EG 13 3 51.37168 1.128684
CT6 5EH 1 0 51.371054 1.124962
CT6 5EJ 19 7 51.372362 1.128386
CT6 5EQ 17 7 51.371734 1.128343
CT6 5ER 17 8 51.372096 1.129057
CT6 5ET 3 1 51.37237 1.129766
CT6 5EU 6 0 51.372095 1.129761
CT6 5EW 30 5 51.372441 1.128794
CT6 5EX 9 5 51.372141 1.130253
CT6 5EY 7 0 51.372283 1.130809
CT6 5EZ 1 1 51.372131 1.130798
CT6 5HA 7 3 51.372084 1.131198
CT6 5HB 1 1 51.372297 1.131988
CT6 5HE 12 4 51.372015 1.132084
CT6 5HH 11 0 51.372188 1.132699