all postcodes in CT7 / BIRCHINGTON

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT7 0QN 1 0 51.361698 1.230415
CT7 0QP 10 0 51.362698 1.238071
CT7 0QQ 8 1 51.350074 1.240586
CT7 0QR 9 0 51.362255 1.243011
CT7 0QW 1 0 51.359692 1.227487
CT7 0WE 1 1 51.38692 1.385742
CT7 0XE 1 1 51.38692 1.385742
CT7 0QH 2 0 51.351757 1.247268
CT7 0NS 0 51.353237 1.252043
CT7 0AX 10 4 51.355647 1.285255
CT7 0BF 3 0 51.362742 1.32325
CT7 0NE 0 51.35756 1.246674
CT7 0PA 1 0 51.35675 1.243772
CT7 0AA 11 2 51.350915 1.259204
CT7 0BW 32 0 51.372035 1.311692
CT7 0DE 1 51.357759 1.343087
CT7 9AB 18 8 51.374106 1.307156
CT7 9AE 12 3 51.373689 1.307372
CT7 9AF 1 1 51.373913 1.30644
CT7 9AH 17 2 51.37384 1.309007