all postcodes in CT9 / MARGATE

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT9 2GA 66 0 51.39198 1.396108
CT9 2GB 60 0 51.391504 1.396418
CT9 2HA 47 1 51.389952 1.397194
CT9 2HB 3 0 51.390338 1.396907
CT9 2HD 4 0 51.390177 1.39688
CT9 2HE 40 3 51.388562 1.397034
CT9 2HF 54 0 51.38861 1.397569
CT9 2HG 43 1 51.389981 1.397757
CT9 2HL 31 2 51.390727 1.398388
CT9 2HP 8 0 51.38935 1.398702
CT9 2HQ 4 0 51.390185 1.398462
CT9 2HS 127 6 51.388481 1.399544
CT9 2HT 102 3 51.389519 1.399721
CT9 2HU 62 2 51.389992 1.401395
CT9 2HX 52 0 51.388048 1.401061
CT9 2HY 55 0 51.389867 1.400725
CT9 2HZ 38 0 51.388246 1.400489
CT9 2JD 24 0 51.390467 1.40363
CT9 2JE 35 0 51.387218 1.402757
CT9 2JG 4 0 51.387477 1.402758